//alert(document.domain); if ( document.domain.indexOf('ticketnet.co.il') > 0){ document.domain = "ticketnet.co.il"; } if ( document.domain.indexOf('wallashops.co.il') > 0){ document.domain = "wallashops.co.il"; } Langs=new Array(51014); Langs[0]="Home Page"; Langs[1]="Movies"; Langs[2]="Attractions"; Langs[4]="Training and Courses"; Langs[5]="Shows"; Langs[8]="Spa Body and Soul"; Langs[11]="Cinemas"; Langs[17]="Movie Archive"; Langs[50]="Shows by Type"; Langs[57]="Live Shows"; Langs[99]="שנה/י שפה להצגת האתר בשפה"; Langs[100]="Trailers"; Langs[500]="Shows and Tours"; Langs[506]="Tours"; Langs[528]="Jerusalem Tours, Attractions and Tourism in Israel"; Langs[534]="Tours at The City Of David"; Langs[897]="Disconnect and Exit from "; Langs[898]="Your Visits"; Langs[899]="My Visits"; Langs[900]="Order Info"; Langs[901]="Help about"; Langs[902]="My Orders"; Langs[903]="show "; Langs[904]="Sign in for "; Langs[905]="Hi"; Langs[906]="Connect to "; Langs[907]="New customer?"; Langs[908]="Start here"; Langs[909]="Click here"; Langs[910]="Contact Us"; Langs[911]="Orders Inquiry"; Langs[912]="No data found for this order"; Langs[913]="You may view"; Langs[914]="View"; Langs[915]="all your orders"; Langs[999]="Place your ad at Walla! Shops Tickets"; Langs[1001]="Display all the "; Langs[1002]="Images"; Langs[1003]="Description"; Langs[1004]=" using "; Langs[1005]="List"; Langs[1006]="Display using"; Langs[1007]="Show"; Langs[1008]="Per Page"; Langs[1009]="To Page"; Langs[1010]="Previous"; Langs[1011]="Next"; Langs[1012]="results"; Langs[1013]="Hour"; Langs[1100]="For more information and tickets to "; Langs[1101]="for "; Langs[1102]="at "; Langs[1103]="Surfers Rating"; Langs[1104]="Details"; Langs[1105]="Summery"; Langs[1106]="Ordering Tickets"; Langs[1107]="Showing at the following sites"; Langs[1108]="Screening at the following Cinemas"; Langs[1109]="Total"; Langs[1110]="You should select at least one item"; Langs[1111]="Instant Order"; Langs[1112]="View the website at desktop layout."; Langs[1113]="View the website at mobile and tablet layout."; Langs[1114]="Do you want to rate the event with a rating of"; Langs[1115]="out of 10?"; Langs[1116]="Rating average:"; Langs[1117]="raters"; Langs[1118]="Including your rating"; Langs[1231]="Sun."; Langs[1232]="Mon."; Langs[1233]="Tue."; Langs[1234]="Wed."; Langs[1235]="Thu."; Langs[1236]="Fri."; Langs[1237]="Sat."; Langs[4045]="Please verify that the eMail saved at the system is up to date!"; Langs[4046]="Due to a communication malfunction your user details has not been updated successfully!
You may continue with your order or start a new one in a few minutes..."; Langs[5002]="The tour has been removed from the list of avaliable tours"; Langs[5003]="Unable to remove the tour from the list of avaliable tours"; Langs[5004]="Ordering tickets for this tour is not avaliable."; Langs[5005]="Do you have a quastion about this tour?"; Langs[5006]="Contact us at customer service"; Langs[5045]="all types"; Langs[5046]="sorted by"; Langs[5047]="of"; Langs[5048]="Threre are no"; Langs[5049]="Showing"; Langs[5050]="Showing"; Langs[5051]="of"; Langs[5052]="Tour Name"; Langs[5053]="Number of Shows"; Langs[5054]="Agregated Rating"; Langs[5055]="Our Rating"; Langs[5056]="Nearest Schedule"; Langs[5077]="The"; Langs[5078]="Using eMail is the fastest, most coviniant and cheepest way to comunicate with the supplayers and companies selling at this site, and the customer service of"; Langs[5079]="Phone"; Langs[5080]="All customers using this site are identified by their"; Langs[5081]="Close Window"; Langs[5083]="Please enter a valid email address"; Langs[5084]="Please do not send me any eMail messages"; Langs[5085]="I approve getting updates regarding my order from"; Langs[5086]="User Name"; Langs[5087]="Verify"; Langs[5088]="user name"; Langs[5089]="Password"; Langs[5090]="Last Name"; Langs[5091]="First Name"; Langs[5092]="ID Number"; Langs[5093]="eMail"; Langs[5094]="Payment Method"; Langs[5095]="Getting Tickets"; Langs[5096]="Subscription Selection and Usage"; Langs[5097]="User Login and Update"; Langs[5098]="at the next day after midnight"; Langs[5099]="Message Code"; Langs[5100]="There are no avaliable places at this tour.
You may try to place an order to a tour starting on Another time."; Langs[5101]="This tour is closed for internet orders."; Langs[5102]="For now you can not order tickets to this tour.
Please try again in a few minutes"; Langs[5103]="Now you may not order tickets to this tour.
You may order tickets to this tour in a few minutes."; Langs[5107]="For now you may not order tickets at this site.
You may try again in a few minutes."; Langs[5110]="Now you may not order tickets to this tour.
You may order tickets to this tour in a few minutes."; Langs[5111]="Now you may not order tickets at this site.
You may order tickets to this tour in a few minutes."; Langs[5112]="Now you may not order tickets at this site.
You may order tickets to this tour in a few minutes."; Langs[5113]="Now you may not order tickets from this site,
due to a communication malfunction to the remote box office you have ordered from.
You may order tickets to another event/movie.
You may try again in a few minutes."; Langs[5114]="For now you may not order tickets at this site.
You may try again in a few minutes."; Langs[5115]="Now you may not order tickets at this site.
You may order tickets to this tour in a few minutes."; Langs[5199]="Detailed"; Langs[5200]="Order in process - Approval will be displayed at the end of the process..."; Langs[5201]="Collecting the tickets is possible only by
using the credit card used to place the order."; Langs[5202]="A copy was sent to our eMail."; Langs[5203]="Full Name"; Langs[5204]="Recipients"; Langs[5205]="Inquiry Subject"; Langs[5206]="You requsted to get a response"; Langs[5207]="Pleas do not replay directly to this eMail, and use"; Langs[5208]="We thank you for your inquiry."; Langs[5209]="Your inquiry was sent by eMail on your behaf with the folowing details:"; Langs[5210]="We will contact you as soon as possible..."; Langs[5212]="Unable to sent eMail"; Langs[5244]="Voyage TERMINAL - Take off to your dream destination"; Langs[5287]="Tower of David Museum of the History of Jerusalem"; Langs[5312]="Beit Hatfutsot"; Langs[5974]="Better Place Center"; Langs[5990]="activities"; Langs[5995]="Igudan Visitors Center"; Langs[8997]="To cancel this order"; Langs[8998]="Autorization Number"; Langs[8999]="Box ofice deal number"; Langs[9000]="Select"; Langs[9001]="Date"; Langs[9002]="Time & Hall"; Langs[9003]="Next"; Langs[9004]="Continue to Idetify"; Langs[9005]="Update Details"; Langs[9006]="Reminder"; Langs[9007]="Continue to Login"; Langs[9008]="Sign In and continue"; Langs[9009]="Please wait! The system is"; Langs[9010]="finding the user by his"; Langs[9011]="e-Mail"; Langs[9012]="Welcome to "; Langs[9013]="The"; Langs[9014]="has no previous orders at the system"; Langs[9015]="Please Complete details according to the instructions at each field"; Langs[9016]="The button Password Reminder will sent your password to the email registered at the system"; Langs[9017]="Your user details exists due to a previous order or registration"; Langs[9018]="In order to continue and protect your privacy:
Please enter the "; Langs[9019]="The user could not be found using"; Langs[9020]="a"; Langs[9021]="reminder is being sent to the email ending with"; Langs[9022]="In order to continue:
Please enter a valid"; Langs[9023]="I have read, understand, and accept the terms and condition"; Langs[9024]="To read the user agrement"; Langs[9025]="To continue click on"; Langs[9026]="Saving new user details..."; Langs[9027]="Updating user details..."; Langs[9028]="first name"; Langs[9029]="last name"; Langs[9030]="correctlly!
Your eMail is required for updates in case there are changes at the order schedule and/or it`s details."; Langs[9031]="phone number using digits only including area prefix!
We MUST have a local contact telephone number in case we need to contact you prior to departure
Your phone number will be used to send updates in case there are changes at the order schedule and/or it`s details."; Langs[9032]="password length from 6 to 20 that include English characters and/or numbers, without using spaces or other characters.

Pay attention - using simple passwords like:
123456, or your phone number, or a password identical to your username is not recommended since they are not discreet!"; Langs[9033]="In order to continue:
Please choose if you want to get eMail messages!
"; Langs[9034]="does not match the"; Langs[9035]="the password"; Langs[9036]="In order to continue:
Please read the user agrement and accepte the terms!
"; Langs[9037]="Logging into"; Langs[9038]="please wait..."; Langs[9039]="loading orders at"; Langs[9040]="orders at"; Langs[9041]="There are"; Langs[9042]="Please verify your user details."; Langs[9043]="9 digits of your ID number including checksum digit."; Langs[9044]="Your user details has been updated successfully!"; Langs[9045]="Your user details has been saved successfully!"; Langs[9046]="Please verify that the ID number is the credit card holder ID used for placing the order."; Langs[9047]="Credit card is needed only as Means of identification for getting the tickets"; Langs[9048]="I would like to fill in the"; Langs[9049]="No thank you, I would like to"; Langs[9050]="finish ordering"; Langs[9051]="You may fill in your"; Langs[9052]="or finish ordering."; Langs[9053]="last 3 digits at the back of the credit card"; Langs[9054]="Last 3 digits at the back of the credit card"; Langs[9055]="4 digits above the credit number at the front of the credit card"; Langs[9056]="4 digits above
the credit number
at the front of
the credit card"; Langs[9057]="credit card"; Langs[9058]="Credit Card Number"; Langs[9059]="Credit Card Type"; Langs[9060]="Enhanced security using"; Langs[9061]="as seen at the picture"; Langs[9062]="Ensured that the order is placed by the person holding the credit card in addition to the credit card number and validation date."; Langs[9063]="An incorrect typing of these digits will not allow the completion of the order and charge process."; Langs[9064]="Credit Card Validation Date"; Langs[9065]="Credit Card Holder ID Number"; Langs[9066]="Finish ordering and recive approval"; Langs[9067]="without using my credit card information"; Langs[9068]="Switch User"; Langs[9069]="Relogin and updating user information"; Langs[9070]="Order Approval"; Langs[9071]="In order to continue please select one of the following options"; Langs[9072]="The order was canceled"; Langs[9073]="at hall"; Langs[9074]="Order Number"; Langs[9075]="Order placed "; Langs[9076]="On behaf of"; Langs[9077]="Last 4 digits of credit card"; Langs[9078]="Last 4 digits of user ID number"; Langs[9079]="To contact us with inquiries about this order"; Langs[9080]="To restore order approval and to contact us with inquries about this order"; Langs[9081]="additional details"; Langs[9082]="In order to update your user information please login again to the system..."; Langs[9083]="In order to view your orders please enter the account user name or email address with which you registered"; Langs[9084]="After you log into the system you may view your orders at"; Langs[9085]="Do you have a recommendation/question?"; Langs[9086]="In order to continue and protect your privacy:
You must log into the system in order to add to your inqiry,
restored order apparoval for the order number"; Langs[9087]="In order to continue:
Please select the"; Langs[9088]="Please use only digits at the "; Langs[9089]="is incorrect"; Langs[9090]="is invalid"; Langs[9091]="Your order has been submited"; Langs[9092]="Print Order Approval"; Langs[9093]="Order Payment Approval"; Langs[9094]="We thank you for using"; Langs[9095]="This eMail is an"; Langs[9096]="We are pleased to announce that your reservation details has been received and confirmed at our system."; Langs[9097]="Thank you"; Langs[9098]="and enjoy the movie"; Langs[9099]="and enjoy the event"; Langs[9100]="Transaction Number"; Langs[9103]="This email is sent from a post only eMail that is not checked."; Langs[9104]="We cannot response to messages sent to this eMail directly."; Langs[9107]="Team"; Langs[9108]="Order Cancelation Notification"; Langs[9110]="Your order has bean canceled as follows:"; Langs[9111]="Order Details"; Langs[9112]="Order can not be cancelted automatically, please contact our box office!"; Langs[9113]="is missing"; Langs[9114]="Order was cancelled at box office!"; Langs[9115]="The credit card used to place the order can not be refunded!"; Langs[9116]="Order cancelation can not be updated!"; Langs[9117]="Order cancelation result can not be interpreted!"; Langs[9118]="Order cancellation request can not be sent!"; Langs[9119]="Order cancelation terms was not set up!"; Langs[9120]="Order was canceled successfully!"; Langs[9134]="Call Back Service routes your inquiry according to your selection,
Furthermore all inquiries are received by"; Langs[9135]="Team for follow-up until answered."; Langs[9136]="Changing the order (date / time / event / site) means order cancelation and booking another order."; Langs[9137]="Order Cancelations / Changes are performed by the tickets suppliers"; Langs[9138]="obligated to "; Langs[9139]="View and inquiry order status at "; Langs[9140]="You may view your online orders and place a note about them using"; Langs[9141]="We appreciate any inquiry, and will do our best to replay as soon as possible."; Langs[9142]="Full Name"; Langs[9143]="How can we help you?"; Langs[9144]="Do you want to get a response from"; Langs[9145]="Other Inquiries"; Langs[9146]="Send Inquiry"; Langs[9147]="Restored order apparoval"; Langs[9148]="exists in the system"; Langs[9149]="after signing in or previous orders"; Langs[9150]="No"; Langs[9151]="Yes"; Langs[9152]="Unable to send"; Langs[9153]="For your information!
There are similar orders prior to this order!
"; Langs[9155]="Your Password"; Langs[9156]="registered at the system is"; Langs[9157]="Place Another Order"; Langs[9158]="Place another order in addition to existing one"; Langs[9159]="Exit Order"; Langs[9160]="Exit and stop the order process"; Langs[9161]="The system is checking the data and placing your order...
Please wait until you get the order approval...

Until the process is done you should know that:
You should not refresh the page or use F5 !
You should not use Back to go to the previous page !

Processing order at"; Langs[9162]="This website is secured
using SSL protocol"; Langs[9163]="Pay Attention!"; Langs[9164]="is new at"; Langs[9165]="This is your "; Langs[9166]="login attempt"; Langs[9167]="Please check the"; Langs[9168]="and the "; Langs[9169]="again"; Langs[9170]="The system will send"; Langs[9171]="automatically after 3 login failures"; Langs[9172]="The"; Langs[9173]="Reminder button will send the "; Langs[9174]="to your saved eMail at the system"; Langs[9175]="The system has sent the"; Langs[9176]="reminder to your eMail ending with"; Langs[9177]="If you do not recognize this eMail"; Langs[9511]="In order to sent another inquiry you need to open another browser."; Langs[9901]="Order was not placed"; Langs[9902]="Credit card was not charged"; Langs[9903]="Due to a long delay of over 3 minutes between the order stages you have to restart the order process."; Langs[9904]="Due to a communication timout there may be a delay with order approval.
You should check your order status in 5-15 minutes using"; Langs[9905]="If your order is not displayed within 15 minutes then your order was not approved and you have not been charged."; Langs[9906]="The system was not able to commit the action with the selected affiliate.
Please Start over the order procces using"; Langs[9907]="Now you may not order tickets from the requested site, due to a momentary syncronization malfunction to the remote box office you have ordered from.
You may select another show date,
or restart you order in a few minutes."; Langs[9908]="Now you may not order the requested tickets.
You may order tickets to another ticket type.
or restart you order in a few minutes."; Langs[9909]="The system was unable to charge the credit card you have entered."; Langs[9910]="During the order procces some of the tickets orderd were unavaliable.
You may order tickets to another tour departing at another time or restart an order with less tickets."; Langs[9911]="Per your requested your order was canceled."; Langs[9919]="The Order was canceled due to a logging errer."; Langs[9990]="Terms of Service at"; Langs[9991]="Set as Home Page"; Langs[9992]="Bookmark"; Langs[9993]="About Us"; Langs[9996]="Affiliates"; Langs[9999]="Customer Service"; Langs[10000]="Videos"; Langs[10001]="Video"; Langs[50000]="You may order a total of"; Langs[50001]="maximun"; Langs[50010]="Type"; Langs[50011]="Quantity"; Langs[50013]="Ordered"; Langs[50014]="Visitor"; Langs[50015]="Visitors"; Langs[50016]="Ticket"; Langs[50017]="Tickets"; Langs[50018]="Price"; Langs[50019]="Box Office"; Langs[50020]="Online"; Langs[50021]="Cost"; Langs[50022]="Order Now"; Langs[50023]="All scheduled attrractions"; Langs[50024]="All scheduled movies"; Langs[50025]="All scheduled"; Langs[50026]="All scheduled events"; Langs[50027]="All scheduled tours"; Langs[51001]="The Official Site"; Langs[51014]="Lenon Bar"; ordersKey=900; myOrdersKey=902; ordersInfoKey=900; userLang=1; Web_Name="Tickets.WallaShops.co.il"; WebDomain="ticketnet.co.il"; CssPath1="http://ticketnet.co.il/css/TicketNet-EN.css"; CssPath2="http://ticketnet.co.il/css/WallaShops-EN.css"; JsPath="http://ticketnet.co.il/js/"; JspPath="http://ticketnet.co.il/ticketNet/jsp/Cinema/"; DomainSSL="ticketnet.co.il"; CssPathSecure1="https://ticketnet.co.il/css/TicketNet-EN.css"; CssPathSecure2="https://ticketnet.co.il/css/WallaShops-EN.css"; JsPathSecure="https://ticketnet.co.il/js/"; JspPathSecure="https://ticketnet.co.il/ticketNet/jsp/Secure/"; WebName="Menachem Begin Heritage Center"; Conpany=""; WebLogoAJAX="GIF/TicketNet_Twisting_Logo_50x25.gif"; LoginMethod=2; LoginPasswordType=0; RTL="LTR"; Mobile="false"; CustomerID="Begin"; PortalID=499; IMAGE_PATH="http://ticketnet.co.il/imgs/"; ICONS_PATH="icons/"; URL_PATH='http://ticketnet.co.il/ticketNet/jsp/Cinema/'; URL_AFFILIATE='&customerId=Begin&pHandler=499&externalSiteId=F_Index&affiliateMemberID=1&affiliateName=TicketNet&affiliatePublicPassword=&userLang=1&Mobile=0'; SESSION_ID=';jsessionid=E8DC18C57E47EE846D2F69EDCC695539'; Top_Tool_Bar_Width="575"; use_Out_Categories=false; //use_Out_Categories=true; use_Out_Sub_Categories=false; //use_Out_Sub_Categories=true; function write_Sub_Categories_WhiteSpace(){ write_Category_WhiteSpace(5); } function write_Categories(){ write_Category_Width_Space(5,"activities","Shows.jsp;jsessionid=E8DC18C57E47EE846D2F69EDCC695539?siteTypeId=5&CategoryID=5990&customerId=Begin&pHandler=499&externalSiteId=F_Index&affiliateMemberID=1&affiliateName=TicketNet&affiliatePublicPassword=&userLang=1&Mobile=0&CategoryID=5990","25%"); } function write_Sub_Categories(){ Sub_Category_1_HTML=""; Sub_Category_1_HTML+=add_Sub_Category(11,1,"בתי קולנוע","CinemaDetailedPage.jsp;jsessionid=E8DC18C57E47EE846D2F69EDCC695539?siteTypeId=1&CategoryID=11&customerId=Begin&pHandler=499&externalSiteId=F_Index&affiliateMemberID=1&affiliateName=TicketNet&affiliatePublicPassword=&userLang=1&Mobile=0"); Sub_Category_1_HTML+=add_Sub_Category_Saperator(); Sub_Category_1_HTML+=add_Sub_Category(12,1,"סרטים לפי ז'אנר","Movies.jsp;jsessionid=E8DC18C57E47EE846D2F69EDCC695539?siteTypeId=1&customerId=Begin&pHandler=499&externalSiteId=F_Index&affiliateMemberID=1&affiliateName=TicketNet&affiliatePublicPassword=&userLang=1&Mobile=0&CategoryID=12"); Sub_Category_1_HTML+=add_Sub_Category_Saperator(); Sub_Category_1_HTML+=add_Sub_Category(100,1,"טריילרים","Previews.jsp;jsessionid=E8DC18C57E47EE846D2F69EDCC695539?siteTypeId=1&CategoryID=100&viewMode=1&customerId=Begin&pHandler=499&externalSiteId=F_Index&affiliateMemberID=1&affiliateName=TicketNet&affiliatePublicPassword=&userLang=1&Mobile=0"); write_Sub_Category(1); }